Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hiking with Dad

Shauna had to present at a conference in Gatlinburg so Claire and I spent the day in the Smokey Mountains National Park. We went to the welcome center but Claire was asleep upon arrival so we drove over to Cherokee, NC (her first time in NC). We then went to Mingo Falls where we ate lunch amongst a swarm of 20 or 30 butterflies.
After lunch we drove back to Newfound Gap where Claire ran around telling anyone that would listen that she was "on top of the mountain!".
Our last stop was at the welcome center again where we walked to Cataract Falls. Claire really liked putting her hands in the waterfall. On the way back we stopped to play in the creek for about an hour! Claire tried to pick up and throw every rock that weighed less than she does. In total I think we went through 2 bananas, two Oreos, 3 outfit changes, 2 pairs of shoes, and a lot of juice. I lost count on diapers.

Beatles and the Hug Bug!

Last weekend we went to Harlinsdale farm for a concert that included a child's performer and the WannaBeatles (a Beatles cover band). We had a great time and Claire just danced and danced!

I created the "hug bug" and the "kissy monster" when Claire was really tiny. While we were at the concert Claire saw this cute little boy and she went right up to him, stared at him and then held her arms out and cried "hug bug!" and tried to hug the little boy. Freaked him out! It was so cute!!

Claire is talking so much! Everyone we see who have not seen Claire for a week or so comment on how much she is talking.

Claire FINALLY has her canine teeth coming in. They have just broken the skin. I was worried that she would not have them!