Claire spent her first Christmas in Johnson City. We stayed with Mamaw and Papaw. During the trip she say Tiff, Wes, Tara, Matt, Taylor, Andrew, Mamaw, Papaw, Nanny, Great Papaw, Dewey, Scharee, Daniel, Betty, Kaitlyn, Cameron, Anthony, David, Jan, Tim, Daniel, Natalie, Mike Lewis, Kelly Lewis, Isabella Lewis, Rob Parks and Family.
For Christmas Claire got a crib Aquarium, ball popper, first purse, first mirror, dolls, stuffed animals, money, lots of beautiful clothes, charm bracelet and charms, books, learning caterpillar, balls, first earrings, etc. She really loves all her new toys!
Claire was able to spend more time with Taylor and Taylor held her and kissed her on this visit.
It was a great first Christmas and we can't wait until next year!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Today Claire started using two syllable words. She is saying ah-la, ah-ya, and ah-da, and to Sam's great excitement ah-da-da.....
Sam says she has also called him "el presidente" and when she spit up earlier she said "oh crap"!!!
Sam says she has also called him "el presidente" and when she spit up earlier she said "oh crap"!!!
5 month birthday
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
All I want for Christmas...
is my first tooth!
Claire went to the Doctor today for a checkup on her ear infection and it was confirmed that she is teething! May not be too long before that first tooth makes its appearance!!!
This weekend Claire rolled to her stomach and was able to move her arm out of the way! She can play Superman on her belly. She does not like to stay there very long unless she is occupied by her toys. Speaking of toys, I gave her half of my beanie babies today. She now has over a hundred new toys to slobber on.
Kristen Corn brought Claire two bags of clothes that Kristen's daughter, Addie, wore when she was little. Claire is a stylish little almost 5 month old!!!!
Claire also got her first diaper rash this weekend. I had no idea it would be so painful for her!
Claire really likes to sit and listen to her daddy play the guitar and sing along with him. She is singing back up to "Old Love" by Eric Clapton right now!
I truly love being Claire's mommy!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
First Ear Infection

Claire was diagnosed yesterday with her first ear infection. With that, she is taking her first antibiotics. So far so good with the antibiotics but she is in some pain with the ear infection. I have never heard her cry so hard :(
She is rolling a bit more and I think its only a matter of time before she rolls all the way over!!
This weekend we made her first Christmas card, which you should get in the mail soon!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What Claire's doing now...
So far, Claire is rolling around, holding things (my hair!), eating rice cereal, laughing. She has great head and neck control.
Yesterday she almost made me quit me job! She reached for me and put her hands around my neck like she was hugging me. I loved it! But I have to keep in mind that working is best for our family, I do love what I do. Plus, Claire loves her teacher, Laura.
I went shopping for Claire today and bought her a Christmas dress and a few sweaters. They are adorable and she will look adorable in them!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
First Thanksgiving
Claire had her first Thanksgiving with her Georgia family. We drove down to Cairo, Georgia (slowly) and stayed with Claire's Bobo and Papa. She met Gigi, Mimi, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Drew, Cousin Alex, Deryl Ouzts and family, and Hilda.
Claire and Alex slept through the annual board game event, this year we went back to Trivial Pursuit and Sam won with a question about Harry Potter!
Claire had a great time in Georgia and was a trooper during the car ride.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Texas Family
We visited family in Texas today. We met Grandpa Sam, Beth, JP, Great Grandpa Al, Great Grandma Perle, Uncle Mike and Aunt Vicki, Cousin Michael, Katie and Micah, Bernie, Dana and Jocelyn, Uncle Joel. We had a great time!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Goin' to Texas!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Claire's Birth and First Few Weeks of Life
- Labor started Wednesday July 16 at 4:00 am
∑ Dr. Osburn gave us the option to go right to the hospital or wait until contractions became stronger – Sam and I decided to wait, I went in to the office to gather a few items and Sam and I met back home to have lunch and take a nap
∑ We went into the hospital at 5:00 when the contractions became stronger – when I was checked though I had not progressed
∑ Dr Osburn ordered us to walk for an hour, which we did, but still little change
∑ My blood pressure started to rise so they admitted me even though I had little change
∑ We were ordered to walk again for an hour – our nurse’s name was Martha and she was also pregnant – she was extremely helpful and stayed in the room and chatted with us for long periods of time, which was calming
∑ They only let me have ice chips and a popcicle – but I was so hungry
∑ With little change and strong contractions, Dr Osburn offered to break my water to get things moving
∑ Up to this point I have been laboring without meds save an IV with sugar water and an IV with fluids
∑ Dr Osburn came in to check me at 11:00 and broke my water then the contractions started picking up strength and length
∑ I started contracting every 1-2 minutes and on a scale of 1-10 the pain was a 12!
∑ I asked for an epidural at 11:00 pm but the anesthesiologist did not arrive until 12:30
∑ It took almost an hour to get the epidural placed due to the intensity and quantity of contractions – I was getting poked in the back with a needle, having a huge contraction and being kicked by Baby Claire all at the same time!
∑ Dr Osburn came in at 2:00 to check me and told me it was time to push
∑ I pushed for a little over an hour and Claire Elizabeth was born at 3:19 am weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches tall
∑ I had to have an episiotomy, which was not pleasant
∑ I used a mirror to watch the crowning and was able to touch Claire’s head as she was coming out
∑ Sam was extremely helpful throughout the whole labor and birth. He kept me focused and reiterated everything the nurses and doctors said so that I could completely understand the situation. Sam kept me focused on breathing and pushing. I could not have asked for a better partner
∑ I held Claire when she was first born, but she was whisked away by the nurses to weigh her and measure her. Sam held her while Dr Osburn finished up with me. The Dr and nurses left and then it was just us
∑ I breastfeed Claire when she was given back to me
∑ That night I am not sure if I slept much at all – I was so excited to have Claire – but the next day Sam and I slept a lot as did Claire
∑ When Sam and I did sleep one of us held Claire because we did not want to put her down
∑ I really wanted to take a shower the next day but the pain of labor kept me in bed most of the day
∑ The first person to visit Claire was Ashly Dewberry
∑ Kristen Corn, David Parker, and Bethany Heuer came to visit her as well on her first day of life
∑ Flowers were sent by Farrar & Bates (attorneys); Beth, Sam and JP; Emily Cadwell; and the Franklin at Breakfast Rotary Club
∑ We did not let the nursery keep Claire for any period of time – only when they needed to check her
∑ Claire’s first nurse was Kelly and she helped us breastfeed for the first time
∑ Claire was in a traverse position when she was born so she had a little facial bruising and her nose was squashed
∑ Claire’s fingers and toes were so long compared to her hands and feet
∑ The food from the cafeteria was good and we could order whatever we wanted
∑ We were released from the hospital on Saturday, July 19
∑ We first had to stop at Walgreen’s to get supplies and meds – Claire hated the car seat until she fell asleep in it
∑ When we finally got home (I made Sam drive slow) my parents were at the house waiting to meet Claire
∑ Mom and Dad held Claire but Mom did not want to put her down
∑ Sam’s Dad (Sam) and JP also came in to see Claire on their way up to Louisville, KY
∑ The first night was rough – we had to wake her every 2-3 hours to feed her and change her
∑ The next day Sam and I were exhausted but Sam and Dad had to go to Louisville, KY to do work at a golf club
∑ Claire started smiling in her sleep her first Saturday of life
∑ Mom worked with Claire to get her to sleep in her own area, which worked well
∑ Mom also got Claire to take a pacifier
∑ On Monday for lunch, Sam, Claire, Mom, Dad and I went to eat at the Loveless – this was Claire’s first visit to a restaurant, she was great until dessert
∑ Claire’s first doctor’s appointment was July 22, 2008 – she weighed 6 lbs 7 oz which was great! We put her in the watermelon outfit sent by Beth but as soon as she got into the room she pooped and it got all over her outfit so we had to change her. Dr Couden was a little worried about her hips so she made an appointment for us to see an orthopedic doctor
∑ After the doctor appointment, Sam, Claire, Mom, Dad and I went to eat at Molinari’s, she was great the whole time!
∑ Mom and Dad went home on Wednesday morning leaving it just to Sam and I
∑ Claire slept great, in fact we had to set alarms to make sure she got feed every 2-3 hours
∑ Claire had her orthopedic appointment on Friday, July 25, 2008 – the doctor seemed to think her hip would work itself out, but to be on the safe side, scheduled an ultrasound at 6 weeks of age – that whole ordeal lasted 4 hours and Claire did wonderful, we had to feed her in the room prior to seeing the doctor because she was so hungry
∑ Our first weekend with just us went pretty well but by Sunday I had to get out of the house so we took Claire to Target and to the Mall. It was over 95 degrees outside but Claire was great until we got to Wolf Camera in the mall where she decided to poop and not like the feeling of that diaper – Sam changed her in the back of the VW bug in the parking lot of the mall
∑ Claire doesn’t cry much – generally when she is hungry or needs a diaper change
∑ Claire hates to be naked! She does not like bath time or to have her diaper change, which is ironic
∑ When Claire cries it sounds like a mix between a dying cat and a crazy insect and she does not stop until her mouth turns blue and she can’t breathe
∑ Claire’s hair started changing color around day 10 of life
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Introducing Claire Elizabeth Billingsley
Claire Elizabeth Billingsley was born July 17, 2008 at 3:19 am. Claire weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 19 in long. We are very excited to have her in our lives!
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