Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update on Claire's Accomplishments

Claire is really starting to talk. She is saying: mama, dada, mawmaw, papaw, dog, ball, doll, more (which she said to get more goldfish), shoes, keys, nose, eyes, Bobo. We called Bobo so she could hear Claire calling for her. Papaw also got to hear her say "papaw" on the phone! She knows many of her body parts. She tries to mimic words she hears but may not get the first sound right. I can't believe how fast she is learning and growing. She has both top molars but is still missing the teeth between those and her two front teeth. They are on their way because I can see them! She is eating a lot more food, too. She like cold cereal in milk, she ate a sandwich, and loves hamburger helper! She loves to dance to music and will "put her thumbs up" when you ask her to. She hates to have water poured over her head. She will whine and try to get out of the tub. I also noticed that she can walk backwards! Not sure why that is important, but the doctor asked me if she could do it. Claire loves slides. She climbs up and slides down a hundred times in a row. We played outside on her swingset this weekend. It was in the 70s and gorgeous!

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